Invisalign Overview​​​​​​​

Why You Probably Should Not Use Mail-Order Aligners

If you’ve been doing research into invisible braces, you’ve probably heard about mail-order aligners like Smile Direct Club, Candid, and others. The idea behind these companies is that all you have to do is mail away an imprint of your bite and the company will send you a set of clear aligners in return that will straighten your teeth just like Invisalign aligners would.

At face value, mail-order aligners might seem too good to be true. In many ways, they are! While mail-order aligners are easy to access, they can’t provide the level of care or attention to individual needs that you’ll get from working with an Invisalign dentist, such as Dr. Khalil.

If you’re considering using mail-order aligners, make sure to do your research first, and consider the following points:

Taking Accurate Teeth Impressions Is Essential to Treatment

When you use an Invisalign dentist to have your clear aligners made, you know that you’re going to have your dental impressions taken by a trained professional. You can expect your clear braces to fit exactly how they should, because your dental impressions will be accurate.

With Smile Direct Club or Candid clear aligners, you are responsible for taking your own dental impressions. Most people have never taken their own dental impressions before, and it’s easy to make small mistakes or forget important steps that can derail your entire straightening process.

Even a very minor mistake in the impression process can affect how your clear braces turn out; you might not get the smile you want as a result. If you aren’t a trained professional, it’s very difficult to know whether you’ve taken your dental impressions exactly right or not.

While mail-order clear aligners can be affected by a faulty impression, you won’t have that problem when you meet with your dentist in person at Arlington Dentistry by Design. Our Invisalign dentist who has years of experience in taking dental impressions will be able to manage your treatment and identify and correct any problems with the impression before taking the process further.

It can be a big relief to know that there’s a professional handling your teeth, and that they’ll know what to do if any problems arise!

Clear Braces Aren’t a Good Fit for Everyone

There are no limits on who can use and access mail-order clear aligners; however, there are limits to what smile problems can be fixed with clear braces.

It’s important to remember that clear braces aren’t just something to buy on a whim; they’re part of a medical procedure. Just like not all medical procedures are right for everyone, there are some cases where clear aligners aren’t a good choice—whether those clear aligners are Smile Direct Club, Candid, or even professional Invisalign aligners.

If your teeth aren’t well-suited for invisible braces, using them could exaggerate any dental problems you have and cause even more expenses down the road when you have to fix the extra damage done.

If you choose to use mail-order clear aligners, you won’t be able to tell in advance whether those aligners will work properly for you. If you expect results that mail-order aligners can’t deliver, you’ll be disappointed.

When you meet with an Invisalign dentist like Dr. Khalil, however, we will be able to look at your teeth to determine whether invisible braces are right for your case specifically. A dental professional will be able to help you make the right decision for your teeth from the beginning, and if clear braces aren’t the best thing for you, we’ll help you find a solution that works!

The Cost of Mail-Order Aligners Can Add Up

Some mail-order aligners may advertise themselves as an affordable alternative to Invisalign braces. But when you’re considering this, it’s important to remember that the Invisalign cost includes x-rays, scans, and impressions, as well as the advice and expertise of a professional who knows you and your smile personally.

Most mail-order companies will ask you to supply your own x-rays and scans, which you will have to pay for and provide (and if a mail-order company doesn’t ask for x-rays, that’s another problem altogether!).

There’s also a risk that something could go wrong with your aligners, and fixing your aligners—or a smile you’re unhappy with after your treatment—can be expensive. When you’re regularly visiting an Invisalign dentist in person, they will be able to contain and fix any problems before they have time to develop.

It’s no secret that these mail-order companies have their problems. You can learn more in the following articles:

Make the smart choice, and call our office for a FREE professional Invisalign consultation today!

In-Person Treatment Provides Service and Results That Mail-Order Aligners Can’t

Mail-order aligners may be convenient, but they can’t compare to the personalized experience and results you’ll get from working with your Invisalign dentist. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or to learn more about the difference your dentist can make!